Italcer Group
Italian excellence in design and ceramics
China | Internationalization | Export Strategy | Digital strategy | Social Media Strategy | Website | Website

Italcer is one of the leading Italian ceramic groups and includes some of the most valued brands in the sector.
Italcer chose to entrust the opening and management of social channels in China for the La Fabbrica and AVA ceramic brands to Pleiadi International Yixing Design, thanks to its solid experience in the ceramic sector. Italcer also entrusted Pleiadi International with the marketing training of its collaborators in China and Russia, as well as the design and implementation of the Italcer USA website.
Through the official WeChat and Weibo accounts we then covered Italcer's needs for the Chinese market, availing ourselves of knowledge, experience and on-site presence of our team, with whom we work vertically in the peculiarities of Chinese social media, KOL'S, OA, etc.
The training experience with the Chinese and Russian collaborators was particularly appreciated by them and a great stimulus for us.